Welcome to Pure Wave

Pure Wave Neurofeedback training is based on these basic fundamentals:

  • Different brain wave & electrical patterns reflect different mental states
  • These patterns can be changed
  • People can learn to alter brain activity
  • People show changes in behavior when they have learned to change brain wave activity
Most people are familiar with the electrocardiogram (EKG) which represents the electrical activity of the heart; the EEG is similar but is instead used for recording and representing the electrical activity occurring in the brain.

The process of neurofeedback involves recording the information from the client’s brain using electrodes placed on the scalp, displaying that information on a computer screen, and then feeding back that information to the client. As the client modifies their mental state, they will in turn change the activity in the brain.

The client sees proof of these changes on a computer monitor, and will “sense” these changes in their bodies; calm, relaxed, and focused. Clients attempt to adjust their brainwave patterns in order to achieve a personal goals; increased sport performance, increased concentration, and accessing “the zone," and other desired benefits.

Through learning to change these brain wave patterns the client learns to self-regulate, normalize and control their brain energy, and use their brain energy in the appropriate situation and time - the practice, the warm up, the fight, or the game.

The importance of neurofeedback training is evidenced by its effectiveness out of the office and on the field, court, or mat.

A client’s ability to generalize their optimal brain performance in neurofeedback training sessions to the high-pressure expectations of the real world – can be what separates the “good” from the “elite” athlete - it is not the physical training program but the mental game.

Pure Wave is brain strengthening, the personal trainer for your brain.

We look forward to building a relationship with you and beginning your training process. Please contact us with any and all questions.

Let the brain change begin.

With joy,


Katie Rose Wingert
Founder & CEO